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Monday, October 5, 2009


Ok sorry I haven't posted in a while been really busy.

So I failed my gestational diabetes test again so my OB is sending me straight to the gestational diabetes nurse.  Appointment with her is on the 7th of October.  At that point I will find out what she wants to do with me.

I just completed a 24 hour urine so I am waiting to hear the results back from that.

I started school on the 21st of September and it is taking alot out of me.  I am hoping I survive through Thanksgiving because then I will be pretty free and clear, and Miabelle can not come before then.

Other then that......

I received my 3 free Fuzzi Bunz I got over a DOTCOMKARI's blog.  And they are awesome.  I haven't got to really TEST them out but I will soon. 

I have an updated diaper stash but I will post those pics later.  Stash came to 50+ diapers.