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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Getting Prepared

I feel there is not enough time in the day to do everything I need to do. I have gotten to the point now I spend most of my day cleaning and gathering things or making things and then that is it...not much time for me.

School starts in about a month. Still waiting to see if I am going to get any kind of financial aid and waiting to see if Bryan is going to get any. I called today but no luck finding out anything.

I luckily have already paid for my classes so all I am worried with is my books and stuff. Bryan has nothing paid for and we are waiting to see about his financial aid. However, if he does not know something by September 1st or has put a block on his classes he will lose them and I will have to try to get him into more.....and all he can really take right now are online classes.

Preparing for a new baby, school, and looking for a new job can be tiring. But atleast I only have anywhere from a few days to a few months until all is well for me :)

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